5 cyl interference

Jukka Majanen jiipm at sci.fi
Fri Jan 26 19:56:42 EST 2001

Hi All and thanks for the response

Got many answers, mostly straight, a couple throught
the list and just wanna put it now together. 

Interference engines:

Hydraulic lifters        yes, solid no (mainly?)
Turbos                      yes, exept WR and maybe...

But there are reported wounds with engines that can be
hand cranked freely. Small clearances and mass inertia?
At max rpm the valve doesn´t retard fast enough? Just my...


All I5:s are or _can be_ interferece engines, if You loose the
belt at high rpm:s, even You can slowly crank it without valve-piston

That makes more sense in talking about the belt chance. I´ve
seen some writing(s) in the list: "5cyl/10v isn´t..."


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