nice 5k for sale on ebay

JordanVw at JordanVw at
Fri Jan 26 21:52:28 EST 2001

In a message dated 1/26/01 9:35:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
BrutKobain at writes:

> says so...but do they ever 
> give the VIN? Although I have seen those gawdy silver parts on another 88 
> 5kt 
> with sport int and fuchs...was it stock? 

they were an acessory avail from the dealer at the time. i remember seeing 
them for sale at Knopf Audi on the accessory rack with the mudflaps and other 
doodads back in the late '80's.    anyway JC Whipme still carries them i 
type44's dont rust, so its not covering anything, just decoration. 

 btw, that red 5ktq looks sweet..    but i need another car like i need a 
hole in my head.  maybe i already have a hole in my head.. (been bangin it 
against the wall the past hr....potential buyer of my passat glx just backed 
out - couldnt come up w. the money ...selling cars is a F*ckin pain in the 
A$$ :<(

'86 5kT
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