Binghamton NY get together?

Andrew Sitzer sitzman at
Sat Jan 27 16:54:51 EST 2001

Hey Ian :)  Glad to hear that you are still on the list! .. Its sort of
weird, Blue Dreamer decided to be nice to me for a while.. basically
NOTHING has broken over the last 6 months -- causing me to drop off the
face of the audi planet :)

Anyways, I picked up the doorhandle from Adirondack Auto parts.. I was
actually sort of dissapointed..  It is German-made which is good -- but it
didnt include the .35c gaskets (which means once I get those I am going to
have the pull the handle off again and put them on <read: pain in the
butt>.  Total cost after shipping: $41.50

Anyways, I am all-up for a Binghamton area gettogether over a pint of
beer.  Any suggestions at to location/time?  The ground round by SUNY
campus is usually a good place...

-Andrew Sitzer
86 5ks 

 On Sat, 27 Jan 2001 BrutKobain at wrote:

> Andrew, Mark, any others in binghamton Area?
> I'm throwing the idea out there again...Like I did several mos. ago...I'm up 
> for a get together, I mean I'd love a ride in Mark's S4 again....drool....but 
> besides that we can all get together and possibly swap stories over dinner or 
> something along those lines.
> Andrew- where did you get the replacement part for the 
> doorhandle's christmas present to me was a dead Front passenger handle. any 
> leads?
> Thanks!
> Ian
> 85 5kt 77k

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