I knew it would happen (not much Audi content)

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Fri Jan 26 22:02:27 EST 2001

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 15:27:48 -0800 Motor Sport Visions Photography
<msvphoto at pacbell.net> writes:
>In a message dated 1/24/2001 Orin Eman <orin at WOLFENET.com> writes:
><< Haven't found my type 44 particularly invisible at all.
>It's scored 1 ticket, 1 written and two verbal warnings in the 55k 
>I've had it (not all with me driving). >>
>Is it red by chance? In a cumulative total of over 100k miles in two
>type 44s, both Nautic Blue, I have yet (knocking on wood now) to so 
>as be pulled over. I (dare I admit this in a searchable archive) tend 
>go 80-90 pretty much all the time on the highway but always smoothly 
>a "go with the flow" kinda way. My ex-wife did get popped once in the
>5ktq Avant but I wasn't with her at the time (she got caught doing 80 
>a highway everyone does 80 on, 280 in the SF Bay Area, so it was luck 
>the draw). The stealth factor is one of the things I really love 
>the type 44. Way better than my buddies "arrest me purple" M3 with 
>"M3 turbo wing" (inside joke, had to be there...) for example. Last 
>I was stopped was in a pickemup truck of all things (1993).
>Mike Veglia
>Motor Sport Visions Photography

I personaly think it has to do with red. I remember one time approaching
a known instant on trap near Owego, NY on NYS Rt. 17 where a cop hides
behind a little hillcock in a stand of trees. My Passport burped so I
slowed down without brakes and watched bemused as the clapped out Gold
Shovit (I mean, uh Chevette) that had been trying to tail me hove into
view, then passed me, doing around 75 MPH (I had by this time dropped to
an indicated 55). So, when both cars broke into view of the officer, a
Gold Chevette doing at least 20 over and visibly moving faster than the
Tornado Red 4KQ that was now about 50 yards behind it, which car did he
target with his radar!?!?!

Yup, the RED 4KQ. 

I witnessed this several times while I had that car. Rarely would get
zapped in the white GTi (my Solo2 car), even though it had:

Polished aftermarket Alloys (American Racing AR24s, they're tasteful an
stock sized)
2 1/2" fairly open exhaust
SCCA stickers (again, I'd say rather tasteful)

And so far, I'm rarely bothered in the Pearl 200Q, and I find myself at
higher speeds much more often in that car than either of the others (b/c
it's so much more quiet and pleasant at those speeds than the others). 


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