Q-list stickers need info

Rave Racer Ravewar at home.com
Sat Jan 27 18:35:33 EST 2001

        Dats a hoooge bridge!!  I guess if they sold it to you, then the
vote to make "Bridge Day" a bank holiday is out.

> >So what does this so-called bridge do?
> It's the New River Gorge Bridge, RR.  It's about 3 miles from my
> home.  What does it do?  It crosses water like most other
> bridges.  :-)  You can see it at: http://www.nps.gov/neri/bridge.htm  Now,
> if you read it carefully you will see that the document says that the
> bridge is owned by the WV department of highways, well, that information
> no longer correct.  This web page is outdated.  A gentleman from the WVDOH
> sold it to me just last April (April 1, to be exact) at a considerable
> discount from their construction cost.  That's how I can now offer it to
> you for a quite reasonable price for such a major bridge.  Just imagine
> profits you could make if you were to construct a toll gate and charge
> tolls for the use of your bridge.

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