cq into S2?

Dave Eaton Dave.Eaton at clear.net.nz
Mon Jan 29 11:44:35 EST 2001

i would put it slightly differently.  in heavy traffic it is quite usual for
you to drive the rs2 and not trouble the turbo at all.  it *is* quite like
the wr in that respect.  it is most definitely *not* like the wr in the
respect that the adu has a decent rev range from 3,500 to 7,000 nice and
clean with a very pleasant shove.  It will also live at elevated revs all
day without any problems (albeit drinking gas like a it costs $0..5/litre).
my memory of the my old wr was it went from 3,500 to around 5,500 and that
was it.  at 5,500, you were starting to draw attention to yourself from
animal guerrilla groups who were thinking that you were torturing some

the rr motor is a peach.  lovely low-down punch, ideal for the ur-quattro,
one of the things which makes the 20v torsen ur-quattro so nice to drive
fast over twisty roads.  the other is the handling, of course.  wouldn't
mind a little more top-end at times though.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

-----Original Message-----
From: <isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 13:21:43+0000
Subject: Re: Idle curiosity.....cq into S2?
From: quk at isham-research.freeserve.co.uk
Reply-to: quk at isham-research.freeserve.co.uk

> The RS2 has code ADU but the replacement short block has same part number
> both ABY and ADU, obviously Porsche made no changes to the bottom end,
> Audi has identical p/n for the two.

I don't personally like the ADU engine.  It seems to come out of the
Audi family tree very early on - it's more like a souped-up WR engine
than anything else.  The RS2 is (IMO - Dave will probably disagree) not
a very pleasant car to drive in heavy traffic.

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