fuse blow, battery light

A. P. Marki apmarki at liq.com
Tue Jan 30 15:17:44 EST 2001

Thanks to everyone who responded. I don't know why I didn't join audifans
long ago.

Yes, the trunk lid had bit through four wires in the harness as though it
was specially engineered to do so. What a gruesome device. Two were brown,
presumably grounds. A quick tape and splice for now, until I can do it
Andrew Marki

-----Original Message-----
From: Huw Powell [mailto:audi at mediaone.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:56 AM
To: A. P. Marki
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: fuse blow, battery light

"A. P. Marki" wrote:
> hi,
> looking for some wisdom. A few weeks ago the #12 fuse (15 amp) on my 1987
> 4ks (120k miles) blew; fusebox indicates the ckt is instrument cluster,
> backup lights, blinkers. I replaced it and drove hundreds of miles home
> without incident. It has since blown twice: I notice the battery warning
> light is lit just as the instrument cluster dials go dead, and it has
> happened only just as I start the car.
> Does this sound like an alternator or voltage regulator about to fail
> completely? Can these show an intermittent fault like this? And why only
> startup? Or does it sound like an intermittent short somewhere?

sounds like a short - most likely location is where the wires go into
the trunk lid.

Huw Powell



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