98 A6 Avant Q vs. 99 A6 Avant Q?

Krivin, Craig J, SOBUS ckrivin at att.com
Tue Jan 30 21:35:04 EST 2001

> List members:
> I'm a former  (just rejoined, actually) member and a current owner of a
> beloved 20V Q.  But my family is growing, so it appears time for me to
> look for an Avant!  I'm writing for your opinions (I know NONE of you have
> opinions).  Which is a better vehicle... reliability or driver wise, or
> from cost... with all things equal (price, mileage.. 50K) a 98 "older"
> body style a6 Avant or a 99 newer body style a6 Avant?   Flame away if you
> think I'm being foolish.. Thanks for your ideas! (please reply to
> ckrivin at att.com)
> --Craig Krivin
> 91 90q20v
> 78 924
> 98 a6 30v Avant?

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