individual throttles? 5-cyl.

Ameer Antar ameer at
Wed Jan 31 01:53:09 EST 2001

so are you saying individual throttles is pointless on a turbo motor [one 
that uses I/C, long pipes, etc.]? Would EFI make the question any 
different? Are there any advantages, or is it really no difference...[I'm 
not really considering how much of a pita it is...] Thanks much.


At 01:13 AM 1/31/2001 , frank j. bauer wrote:
>At 12:47 AM 1/31/01 -0500, Ameer Antar wrote:
> >I know this would really be tough on a 5-cyl., but would there be any
> >advantage to putting on individual throttle bodies on a turbo motor? A lot
> >of N/A cars use them to gain throttle response. What do you guys think?
>for one thing, it's a major packaging problem.
>for another, i don't think you would get much improvement in throttle
>response, considering the length of the overall intake tract
>(airbox/turbo/ic and the plumbing to keep them apart to do each job

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