smell like battery acid

Brett Dikeman quattro at
Wed Jan 31 07:36:00 EST 2001

At 1:12 PM -0500 1/30/01, Mathieu Tetrault wrote:
>I got a 1986 audi coupe gt.
>when i stop the car after a good ride it smell like battery acid.
>i think its the voltage regulator who charge to much my battery but on the
>voltmeter it apear ok 13volt
>can something else can smell like boiling battery acid?

Well, look for signs the battery has boiled over before you spend 
time looking all over the place for engine problems; it's easy to 
check.  Phil P and I had a conversation about troubleshooting; it's a 
careful balance between ease of checking, and likeliness.

Checking the battery is incredibly easy and would take all of a 
minute.  Checking the engine isn't and wouldn't.  Is it more likely 
to be the engine?  Possibly.

It'll be very obvious; there will be acid residue all over the place. 
Don't touch any residue; if there is some, dissolve some baking soda 
in a large pitcher of warm water and use it to zap the acid(be 
careful of course; glasses would be a good idea.)  This little 
procedure won't work very well on a car with the battery inside the 
car because the water would not have anywhere to drain.

Another possibility is that the acid smell is burning hydraulic 
fluid.  It has a nasty smell that's very much unlike motor oil.  Look 
on your garage floor for leaks, inspect the engine compartment around 
hydraulic hoses and components(rack, pump, reservoir.)

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.
White Plains, NY 10605
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