WTB Sport Quattro

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Wed Jan 31 18:24:08 EST 2001

> you sound very prickly about this subject. are you a bit of a spotter or
> simply an audi snob? if the former, then fine, people spot all sorts of
> things and the best spotters get a big horn out of demonstrating their
> knowledge.

The original discussion was about the expenditure of _SIGNIFICANT_ sums
of money to get the right look.  The last thing anyone wants is to
expend major $$$$$ to, e.g., win some major historic event and then have
either scrutineering at the event or the manufacturer say: "Useless -
this or that is not right."

This is a potential commercial venture - the rules are different from
those that apply should you or I decide to add a new body stripe or

Although a Dialynx 'Sport copy' would pass muster at a casual meeting or
at a 'cruise', it wouldn't get past scrutineering at a true historic
event - where you are in many cases required to show provenance and
justify an original factory chassis number.

> if the latter, why aren't you driving a beemer?

Why would I downgrade?

P.S.   Seen the caution on hotmail.com in comp.risks Digest 21.22?

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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