I5 Engine Removal/Refit Advice Please

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Sun Jul 1 16:27:58 EDT 2001

At 11:26 AM 7/1/01, you wrote:
i drop the transmission too...
and the subframe... just unbolt the control arms and sway bar links...
get 4 jack stands the 6 ton style and raise the car high...
the rent an engine crane...
wrap a chain around engine & trans..
and raise into position and attach motor mounts...
worked out really well for me this way...

'86 4kq
>Hi all,
>been lurking for a while, i now need the list wisdom on how to do the above.
>I have succesfully pulled a motor out of an 87 CGT and it's going into my
>Coupe Q 1985. Getting it out isn't necessarily the hard part!!!
>Any tips and BTDT, i start Monday morning 9.00am, as Haynes and Bentley
>state "refitting is the reversal of removal" yeah right.
>Should i go for just putting the car on ramps or use the axle stands to give
>a little flexibility in being able to adjust the height of the car whilst i
>am working. Needless to say all this is to be acheived in the confines of my
>single garage. Any listers UK or otherwise for that matter who want to join
>the party feel free.
>TIA and regards to all.

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