
R4RacerX at aol.com R4RacerX at aol.com
Tue Jul 3 01:35:43 EDT 2001

Hello all...I've been away for sometime to this mailing list.(ole Audi has 
been running fine until recently) I have a 87 4kcs 1.8L. I started getting 
some sputtering recently and checked my plugs, cap and rotor, wires. All 
checked ok besides cap and rotor had quite some wear, so I replaced them last 
week only to have the same problem arise (cap and rotor seem to be getting 
too much juice or not enough{burning up}) I have the three prong plugs, and a 
factory set of wires. I have 170,000 coming up on the car. Anyone have any 
ideas? (common problem?) Is my Coil on the brink?, Alternator throwing out 
too much juice? (though Volt meter has read the same @ 13/14 volts for as 
long at I can remember) Any info would be greatly appreciated...

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