90Q 4sale OR need parts.

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Jul 3 17:52:37 EDT 2001

I've been in touch with no less than 3 people who offered parts on the
list recently, then suddenly became mute or must be still "checking"
after I made a request.  Why do these people go to the trouble of posting
parts they probably don't have or have no intention of going to the
bother of looking for?  Waste of time on both ends.  

There was a lister interested in buying the car, but he's going for a
different model now, so here's a brutally honest look at the car I put up
on a page:


If you're not looking for a 90q but have some of the trim pieces or
anything else it needs, please email me with the particulars.  Or send me
any info on boneyards etc. where you may have seen a donor lately.  

Thanks and BCNU,
Cobram at Juno.Com

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