ur-q wheels on 200q20v (pictures)

Henry A Harper III hah at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Jul 3 22:06:32 EDT 2001


There has been at least one request for the pictures I have taken of 8x15 ur-q 
wheels on a 200q20v, so having received clearance from the vehicle's owner, I 
now present some mediocre scans of the somewhat mediocre pictures (oh, that's 
*links* to the scans, of course):

http://netnow.micron.net/~hah3/audi is the directory
the only things in there are http://netnow.micron.net/~hah3/audi/klg_01.jpg (2 
200q20v's resting comfortably in a garage), 
http://netnow.micron.net/~hah3/audi/klg_02.jpg (the wheel, supposedly showing 
the UFO disc behind it but not doing a very good job), 
http://netnow.micron.net/~hah3/audi/klg_03.jpg (the only one showing the wheels 
and most of the car, really), and (seeing a pattern?) 
http://netnow.micron.net/~hah3/audi/klg_04.jpg (a poorly exposed shot which 
sort of shows the fender flares in silhouette and not much else).

Oh, and this is a sort of temporary hosting spot, will go away sometime in the 
next few months as HostPro and Earthlink sort out their dialup-users-transfer 
but I will put them up again later.

Henry Harper
hah at alumni.rice.edu http://www.mindspring.com/~hah3
1991 200 quattro, 112k, featured in above pictures which are two years old
1988 GTI 16v, 220k

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