4kq dead- Now fixed!

Roa, Greg groa at Cinergy.com
Thu Jul 5 11:14:11 EDT 2001

If you take out the glove box, it is right above where it would be.  It is a
small black part, about 1"x1.5" with a 7 wire connector plugged into it.  It
is mounted on a piece of aluminum which is acting as a heat sink.  The heat
sink is screwed into the metal under the dash.  If you look where the glove
box would be, it is slightly to the right, and above it.  Part number is 211
905 351 D.  It is available through autozone/pepboys and the like, but it
won't be the bosch part then.  When I called those places, it would have
been $80 and a special order, as they didn't stock them.  Or you can find a
parts car...  : )
Good Luck!
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

-----Original Message-----
From: David Conner [mailto:conner at cfm.Ohio-State.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 11:06 AM
To: groa at Cinergy.com
Subject: 4kq dead- Now fixed! 

... tests were pointing to a bad ignition module.  I
pulled the ignition module out, and noticed that it had melted. 

What/where is an ignition module?
Dave C.

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