remote locking system

Lee M. Levitt lee at
Thu Jul 5 16:31:11 EDT 2001

Ti Kan <ti at> writes:
> Lee M. Levitt writes:
> > First, has anyone considered upgrading a '95.5 or '96 style
> > remote system(post infrared, small flat RF keyfobs) to the
> > later RF system that works with the fat keyfobs and the switchblade key?
> The family album shows that for the '96 A6 the remote transmittor to
> be a 'add on' to the alarm system with its own control unit (it's listed
> under the Extras section) whereas the later years it's all integrated.
> Of course the alarm control unit itself has different part numbers but
> one can't tell whether they are compatible (I would guess not).

If I had some time to fool around, I'd try it...but this could be a real
time sink.


'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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