200Q aux. coolant pump

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 7 09:47:13 EDT 2001

--- Eyvind Spangen <eyvind.spangen at c2i.net> wrote:
> My pump is weeping coolant (all the time), and I
> guess it'll blow
> soon... Time to get a new one. Dealer: $240..
> Independent Bosch
> dealer: $210.. Needless to say, I find this a "bit"
> expen$ive for that
> tiny thing. How much does the Shogun pump cost, if a
> version that fits
> is still available? I'll check out a Mercedes-Benz
> pump too, I've
> discovered that some 90s diesel Benz have a pump
> that appears to be
> almost the same..
Megaparts.com has them for less than $90. and I
believe TPC just had them for less than $80.  You can
find it for less than $100. anyway.

Jim Accordino

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