wuzzat VAG tool?-Now oil differences

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at att.net
Sat Jul 7 13:34:39 EDT 2001

> Nah, that 3000 mi. conventional "wisdom" comes from the same
> people who are
> still, in the 21st century, telling us to keep our hands on the
> wheel at 2:00
> and 10:00.

What's wrong with keeping your hands at 10 & 2 (or 9 & 3 depending on your
preference) to be able to properly control a vehicle?  I didn't realize that
in the 21st century the automotive technology was so advanced that one could
simply keep one hand at the 12 o'clock position while the other played
around with the cell phone or palm pilot, and still maintain total control
of the car at all times.  I must be falling behind the times.

> They'll never change, they're too old to.  And, they'll always
> know more about your car than the engineers who built it.
> --
> --Doug

Would these be the same engineers that are specifying that only 5w30 oil be
used in engines?  This is being done not because of better lubrication
properties but instead to increase the corporate fuel economy numbers.  I
think you'll find that today's longer service intervals and lower oil
weights are not being set by the engineers, but instead are being driven by
the bean counters.  Especially with car companies that offer free
maintenance.  Why should they pay for changing your oil every 5k miles,
which used to be the norm, when they can change the interval and only pay
for it every 15k miles?  In addition, while today's oils may be more
advanced, filters haven't changed a whole lot and I'm not willing to leave a
filter in for 15k-20k miles.


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