type 44 CC

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Tue Jul 10 08:18:19 EDT 2001

it depends on the AMOUNT of removal you are doing.  

If you are just removing the motor to rebrush it, then the following works
quite nicely....

once you have removed the 2 screws INSIDE the car holding the back side of
the blower unit to the firewall and disconnected everything else in the way
in the front, take some wire.. oh about 10 ft or so and put a loop around
the right side of the blower assembly as close to the midline of the unit as
possible...  take the 2 ends of the wire and wrap them around something...
(i used my breaker bar)... stand on something tall or on the bumper and pull
diagonally up... the blower will break free from the fire wall and you will
be able to lift it up enough to remove the blower motor and rebrush it.
This worked BEAUTIFULLY in my wifes 200tqa as I had started to try and pry
it out and i was cracking the plastic parts of the blower case.  Once you
have the motor out.. rebrushing is easy (DEPENDING on the type of motor..
some of them are not made to be taken apart and put back together)

Good luck

89 200 tqa
87 5ktq

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wainwright [mailto:ron_01056 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 5:49 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: type 44 CC

  Don't forget to take the hood off it will make it
allot easyer to get the pull it takes to get the box
up I just sat on the windshield and got plenty of
leverage  Taking the hood off will make it a 2 hour
job instead of 3 or 4
  BTDT 2wis.

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