5kcstq brake question

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jul 12 08:46:40 EDT 2001

You either have a major wheel bearing issue or, more likely in my 
experience, you  have a brake caliper hanging up, either because the 
parking brake mechanism isn't returning to "rest" position freely or 
because the brake piston/cylinder interface is corroded sufficiently to 
retard piston movement back into the cylinder.   The latter is a common 
problem in cars that don't have brake fluid flushed out for extended 
periods.  Moisture in the fluid leads to rust in the cylinder.

At 12:11 AM 07/12/2001 -0400, Chaadster at aol.com wrote:

>Can anyone help me diagnose what's wrong with my driver's side rear wheel
>and/or brake-- during even a brief jaunt through town (4 mi), the wheel will
>get very hot to the touch and emit a strange burning smell.  The brake
>doesn't seem to drag, as the car will roll fairly easily when nudged, and I
>haven't noticed the smell consistently during the past few drives, although I
>have been running the A/C.  The car is an 86 5kcstq with ABS.
>Any assistence would be appreciated, believe me, as I've already spent close
>to a grand this month getting new front rotors, calipers, and pads!  I've got
>to tackle this one on my own!  Thanks again,

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