location of coolant pump after run control unit

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jul 12 14:26:39 EDT 2001

Chris Miller's 200q20vt pages 
http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/index.html   include a section on the 
cooling system in which the after-run pump and fan controls are 
discussed.  Put "cooling system" into the search box.

At 01:00 PM 07/12/2001 -0400, tom wrote:

>Hi all,
>     Doing some work on the 200 20vt and I've noticed that the after run 
> pump and fan are not comming on even if I short the switch leads from 
> under the intake on the coolant manifold. I have the Bentleys for the 
> car, but they only show the current tracks etc. I need the location of 
> the control unit, to troubleshoot, which Bentley calls out as J155. Found 
> all of the fan relays ok but I haven't found the control unit on either 
> of the relay panels. Is it buried somewhere? Any BTDT's ?
>Thanks, Tom Nestor

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