200q20v Brake and Steering Failure

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 12 22:48:55 EDT 2001

--- Alexander van Gerbig <Audi_80 at email.msn.com>
> according to her; must be a hydraulic problem.  The
> funny thing about that
> is the hydraulic hoses were just replaced last
> month, funny how the only
> system that has new parts in it fails.  She actually
> said there was no fluid
> loss, which is a bit odd, and no warning lights. 
> Anyone have another idea?
Mechanics (NOT all-no flames) are IDIOTS.  If this IS
a belt failure, which it definitely sounds like, he
sucks.  Who would redo much of the system, but not
inspect the belt for wear and proper tension. 
Strange, but this sh*t happens every day.  That's why
I do my own work.  If I screw up, then shame on me. 
And I learn for the next time.  And not at $65 per hr.

Jim Accordino

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