HELP! V6 still acting up

audi90sq at audi90sq at
Fri Jul 13 08:55:34 EDT 2001

HELP!!  My 95' 90SQ is killing me!  I started getting
check engine lights a couple of months ago, and
nothing I seem to fix helps.  I am getting the OXS
Control (out of range) I & II errors.  My cars has had
the ISV and more recently injectors replaced under
warranty.  In the last couple of months I have done
the following:
O2 Sensors (again , after only 1 year)
Fuel Pressure regulator
Clean EGR Valve
Air Cleaner (put in K&N)

I am getting an intermittent light, and it seems to
always come on when I am accelerating.  I am not
experiencing any loss of power, hesitation, or fuel
economy.  I do notice a slight flutter at idle though.
Does anybody have any ideas on what might be wrong
here?  Thanks
signed, Frustrated

Eric Harten

83' UrQ
95' 90SQ
01' A4Q

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