Oh, the horror, the horror!

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Jul 14 09:51:46 EDT 2001

Bob's  address changed a while back to:  robert at s-cars.org

Do you need a replacement center driveshaft or do you need a new 
bearing?  The archives contain a number of postings about replacement 
bearings AND ways to keep the joints at each end revolving quietly without 
re$orting to the u$ual replacement approach advi$ed by dealer$.

At 02:15 AM 07/14/2001 -0400, WAUFX at aol.com wrote:

>How can I get q-list stickers? The address I have for Bob Myers was bouncing,
>can you, Bob, or someone who can sell me them, e-mail me?
>Also, how much do center shafts for a 4kq go for, new and used?

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