what effect does strut-tower brace have on '88 80 Quattro? (a nd other stuff)

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Mon Jul 16 02:36:17 EDT 2001

Yup, over driving. In addition, as you were melting hte tires, you were
actually going slower, as all of the cars energy (okay, okay, my mom said
not to exaggerate, so, "a lot of") is going into melting the tires.
Proper camber and technique, lowering, stiffer springs and rear sway
should help this. I typically run at least 2 seasons on a Competition
tire, where as a street equivalent would have chunked to death.


On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 16:09:17 -0500 "Kaklikian, Gary"
<Gary.Kaklikian at compaq.com> writes:
>the rears.   In my one experience with track tires on this car - 
>V700's - I toasted both front tires in one day at the track.  The 
>shoulders got so hot the tread delaminated.  I attributed this to 
>non-optimal alignment settings and failure to heat cycle the tires 
>(but I may have been overdriving the tires or they may simply have 
>been too
>narrow as well.)  So, I would think a competition tire would be more

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