wheel bearing replacement

Trevor Irwin trirwin at indiana.edu
Mon Jul 16 14:31:04 EDT 2001

I did mine a while ago. I think it took about 3 and a half hours. we
had a sort of rigged up press (and i seem to recall using a sledgehammer!)


On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Calvin Krug wrote:

> How much time does it take to replace a front wheel bearing on an '89 
> 200?  I have one that's getting quite noisy, and I've been getting 
> quite a variation in estimates from the local shops, anywhere from 1 
> to 3 hours.  I'd do it myself, but I've been told that the bearing is 
> pressed in, and I don't have the equipment to do that, or the time, 
> either.  Although, if it's a fairly simple procedure, maybe I can 
> find someone to simply change the bearings, and I can do the assembly.
> Calvin Krug

T. L. Irwin
T104 Coordinator
Swain East 335 

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