front suspension: need some help

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at
Mon Jul 16 22:35:30 EDT 2001

Hi listers.

I learn everything in a hard way.  Sometime I do very stupid things like
changing all bushings/tie rod at the front, making alignment and then in
a week deciding to change front struts inserts.

Removing old strut insert I did something stupid.  Probably I
underestimate Bentley's comment about inserting piece of wood between
spring and wheel housing.  I did not understood where exactly to insert
it and why. Now I understand.  Spring bent (making arc), strut insert is
misaligned, I can't move it to be at the center of opening in the strut
tower. Trying to fix it I jacked the car and make it even worse.
What do I do now?

When  shall I change strut  bearings?  Shall I  wait until they go
bad?   Shall I do any cleaning/lubing on them when upper mounts are off?

Any advise will be greatly appreciated.  I don't know what to do at this

Konstantin Bogach
200tqa '89
200tq '89

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