front suspension: need some help

Jouko Haapanen joukoh at
Mon Jul 16 23:10:16 EDT 2001

I've replaced strut bearings on my UrQ without pulling the strut,
takes two people and some nimble fingers, but can be done.  Just be
careful with the b.f. screwdriver as you push the shock down from the
top so your buddy's fingers that are waiting eagerly at the strut
bearing to pull it out don't meet.  Could be nasty.  Anyhow, can be
done in 10-15min./side and works like a charm.  I don't see why it
couldn't be done on a type 44.

If so, you can put it together now and relace the strut bearings
another time when you have nothing else left to work on...

Jouko Haapanen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Konstantin Bogach" <kbogach at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: front suspension: need some help

> Ok ... I used spring compressors and jack and aligned the strut
inside the
> tower. Now I will be able to change insert.  The main question left
is: what
> to do with strut bearings?  The car has 132,000 mi.  I think that I
> loosing just one more alignment cost if I need to replace it later
because I
> need to do the same amount (almost) of work now or later in order to
> it.
> Can I do any maintenance of the bearings? Cleaning? Lubing?
> Thank you.
> Konstantin Bogach.
> Konstantin Bogach wrote:
> > Hi listers.
> >
> > I learn everything in a hard way.  Sometime I do very stupid
things like
> > changing all bushings/tie rod at the front, making alignment and
then in
> > a week deciding to change front struts inserts.
> >
> > Removing old strut insert I did something stupid.  Probably I
> > underestimate Bentley's comment about inserting piece of wood
> > spring and wheel housing.  I did not understood where exactly to
> > it and why. Now I understand.  Spring bent (making arc), strut
insert is
> > misaligned, I can't move it to be at the center of opening in the
> > tower. Trying to fix it I jacked the car and make it even worse.
> > What do I do now?
> >
> > When  shall I change strut  bearings?  Shall I  wait until they go
> > bad?   Shall I do any cleaning/lubing on them when upper mounts
are off?
> >
> > Any advise will be greatly appreciated.  I don't know what to do
at this
> > point.
> >
> > Konstantin Bogach
> > 200tqa '89
> > 200tq '89

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