Watch this hose

Dave Eaton Dave.Eaton at
Wed Jul 18 10:53:35 EDT 2001

similar issue with the 20vts ime.  the small hose from the water pump to the
inlet water jacket was about to fail on my rs2.  excessive seepage of
coolant, and the internal structure of the hose was rotting.  only 65k kms,
and 5 years!.  not good.  while the same hose on the ur-q looked ok when i
had the radiator out last month, after my experience with the rs2, i'm going
to replace it on the ur-q as well.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Payne <phil at>
Subject: Watch this hose
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 10:58:24 +0100 (GMT+01:00)

MC engine - small and short rubber hose from the cylinder head water entry
to the pipe passing round the front of the engine to the turbo.

Mine blew at 145mph and cost me the head.  DM1900 for parts, DM800 for
labour, plus 16% tax.

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