DoubleOAudi strikes again!

Rave Racer Ravewar at
Wed Jul 18 02:21:23 EDT 2001

        Quotes anybody?

        " It's a mouse....  It's a Squirrel....  It's.....  It's.......

        " More leverage then a Craftsman wrench....  More lubricating then
Pentosin...   More Popular then an S4......   Stripping Audi's at the speed
of a 20V turbo into a 4000Q swap....   He transforms from a mild mannered
business man by day into a mad Junk car stripper at lunch!"         I'll
take my sellout money for pluggin products in cash please.

        " he he.... he he...  I like my OOOOOOHHdi"

       Rave Racer
 89 Jetta GTX 1.8 16V (Frankenstein)
 87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
 72 Triumph GT6

> Yes, I probably need my head checked, I often leave the business world at
lunch and head to the junkyard where desperate, traumatized parts need
rescuing from their imminent doom.  It is I who rescues them.  See not I a
mangled car, but a vast array of individual parts, I see the not the sum,
but the components that create the whole, I am in tha ZONE!
> ..whew, ok, so about getting my head checked...
> Javad

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