Westmoreland is in Pennsylvania

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 18 21:01:57 EDT 2001

--- William Magliocco <magliocc at rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry to correct...Westmoreland was in Pennsylvania,
> south of Pittsburgh.  Saw what was left of the place
> in 1993 or so.  Supposedly, it was built in the '70s
> by Chrysler, but they never finished the plant (due
> to
> their chronic money troubles).  VW bought in the
> late
> '70s and ran it until sometime in 1988.
You are correct.  They were deeply in bed together at
the time.  VW provided small, fuel efficient engines
to Chrysler at a time when Merican companies were
scrambling to raise their CAFE ratings.  Chrysler
supplied some cheap bulk supplies, bolts and the like.
 Apparently they also supplied their vast corrosion
protection experience at the time as every VW from
Westmoreland immediately rusted out.

Jim Accordino

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