tire brands and "boah ey"

BenediktRochow at oaktech.com BenediktRochow at oaktech.com
Thu Jul 19 19:54:07 EDT 2001

A non-Audi application:

my choices are
-Dunlop SP5000 215/65/15 or 225/60/15 - they've been good (in 215/65)
-Yokohama AVS-Intermediate 235/60/15 - would they be better?

{For the car in question, these are slightly smaller in diameter (the AVS-I
less so
than the SP5000 obviously) than stock, but the car is tall enough and has
tall final gearing such that I don't mind.}

Any experience with AVS-Is or even both types?
My concern is wet/dry road handling (incl. sudden moron-dodging at high
but not track driving/racing as such.

MAC: If I had an Audi right now, I'd be looking at these, too, but I'd have
even more choices
due to lower-profile stock tire size...

Phil and others often in German-speaking areas: What's the proper spelling
for "Boah ey"? With or without 'h'? And should I leave the "ey" off (no
Opel Manta
context)? I'm somewhat unclear on this (I've been out of the old country
rather a while)
and want to put it on my next license plate for this (particularly for
German standards)
rather large car.

-G. Benedikt Rochow

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