buying a GTI, advice needed (NAC)

Larry C Leung l.leung at
Thu Jul 19 20:17:10 EDT 2001

I have found a carefully maintaned SCCA stock class GTi is not a
maintenance intensive vehicle. CHange the oil at reasonable (highway
driven synth 5K miles) intervals, check the plugs every 30K, check the
gearbox oil level yearly, etc., usually daily driver car stuff. Anything
else extra I've had to do was all directly related to my Autocross
schedule. It's a very simple car, not too much to go wrong, and
definitely less maintenance/repair involved than any of my Audis.


On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:19:23 -0700 "ODIE" <odeydog888 at>
>How is it lowered?
>cut coils or is it on h&r's eibach??
>if there cut your going to have to get new struts, springs and 
>as for the sloppy shifting it's probebly the linkage bushings that's 
>about a
>$15 fix
>the way to tell if it needs a new clutch is pull the e-break and give 
>it gas
>while letting out the clutch
>if it starts to stall out it's good if it just starts to slip it needs 
>a new
>one also you can drive it shift into 3rd at about 2000 rpm floor it if 
>revs without going any faster it's bad
>also check the roof line for rolls or ripples if there are any it has 
>I agree with rave racer GTI's are alot cheeper to fix\buld up than 
>and thay will eat just about any of them on the track
>but thay do NEED alot of attention so if you hate to work on cars you
>probebly don't want one
>thay are just like Audi's
>I'm working on my 13th GTI project
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Rave Racer <Ravewar at>
>To: <quattro at>; Douglas Frank <frank at>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 9:39 PM
>Subject: Re: buying a GTI, advice needed (NAC)
>>     Hmph.  I'm a member of the VW of Toronto club/list, and of the 
>> list so many of your remarks don't go over well here, HOWEVER....  
>> anyway for a fellow lister.
>>         I'll start by disclaiming the price.  I can't speculate 
>because it
>> often varies from region to region and time to time.  Also all my 
>> knowledge would be based in Canada and you are in the US.  I do 
>think that
>> this is a fair price for a good car here but like I said this is 
>> we're talking here.
>>         Check the Transmission.  If the code says 2Y in it, it'll be 
>> tranny.  These are EXTREMELY expensive to replace (BTDT).  IF the 
>> going, you may want to try to talk the price down but keep in mind 
>> is difficult and expensive on these.  A good idea is to consider a 
>> swap.  ANY pre 93 (all A2's and some A1's) tranny's can be used.  
>> personal fave is the Turbo deisel 1.8L tranny.  Durable with a long 
>> gear for good gas mileage at cruise, and considerabley less $$$ then 
>> You'll need to change the clutch spline and the clutch will have to 
>be for
>> the 1.8L but you'll be able to get a really, REALLY nice clutch for 
>> $$$.
>>         If the shifting is sloppy then check the shift rod and 
>> first.  Likely to be the real culprit.
>>         If it's a 91, then it should be the 2.0 16V, they changed 
>> in 90.  Also check the VIN.  I know alot of people think this isn't 
>> important, but which plant the car was made at makes a difference to 
>> (but keep this one to yourself when looking at the car)  if it 
>starts 3VW,
>> then it's a Pueblo car.  If is starts WVW, then it's a Wolfsburg car 
>> some consider worth more.  I found my W to be more reliable then my
>> with the Mexicans in FL when I lived there.  The Wolfsburg cars did 
>> some small differences.  I think the rubber under body coating from 
>> factory is one of them.
>>         As for motor, check the compression.  Seriously that's a big 
>> PVC valve too.  If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
>>         If it'll ease your mind about his finances, these cars are 
>> and cheaper to work on for Shade tree / grass roots / back yard 
>> then Hodna's.  Kits and bolt ons might be more money, but they are 
>> unique and you can make a VW look really different with less money.  
>> beleive me.....   check the link below, and know that I did all the
>> mouldings, and engine work (other then the tranny) for under $100 
>Can for
>> the body and less then $200 for exhaust and intake crap.  I did do 
>it all
>> myself though and some consider me to be quite the MacGyver (one 
>> Stewart and I kicked him in the nuts.  He won't make that mistake 
>>         Hope that helps.  Good luck.
>>        Rave Racer
>>  89 Jetta GTX 1.8 16V (Frankenstein) 
>>  87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
>>  72 Triumph GT6
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > My nephew phoned last night and wants me to hold his hand while 
>> over a
>> > car.  I'd just like to know what you all think:
>> >
>> > '91 Golf GTI 16-valve
>> >
>> > no rust (yeah, right, this is a New Hampshire car, probably means 
>> > dropping crumbs yet)
>> >
>> > Nephew test drove it and car is a pocket rocket, runs around 
>corners on
>> > rails.  However, sloppy shifter-- needs a transmission rebuild I 
>> dumb
>> > not to do the clutch also.
>> >
>> > "zero" body roll
>> >
>> > lowered, aftermarket wheels (don't know what)
>> >
>> > tires-- unknown
>> >
>> > Recaro seats
>> >
>> > aftermarket steering wheel (don't know what-- Sparco, maybe)
>> >
>> > seller is asking $4800.  Nephew had enough sense to talk him down 
>> I
>> > think this is probably more likely a $3-3.5K car *after* the 
>tranny is
>> fixed.
>> >
>> > your thoughts?
>> >
>> > If I can't talk him out of it and have to go for a look, what 
>> > should we watch for?  Kid is a junior in college next year and I, 
>> > that I am, do not want him in this car due to potential repair 
>bills, of
>> car
>> > and of him.  I'm thinking, '95 Accord, with transplanted 43 bhp 
>> Herald
>> > engine.  How do you sell an uncool rice cruiser to the MTV 
>> > --
>> > Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.
>> > ZKO           110 Spit Brook Rd.       The older I get,
>> > 603-884-0501  Nashua, NH USA 03062       the better I was.
>> ---
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