'90 Coupe Quattro maintenance

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jul 20 23:39:27 EDT 2001


The following would be a good start..

oil and filter
air filer
check oil levels in gearbox and rear diff
remove wheels and check discs and pads for wear
new timing belt and  water pump 
change antifreeze

In the near future consider..

gear box and rear diff oil change
fuel filter 
renewing brake fluid 

Regarding the exhaust if you plan to keep the car for a long time a
stainless system is best but otherwise an mild steel after market system
from a discount german car part supplier could be a better option. 
I called at a tyre centre recently and was interested to hear that they
custom build stainless systems. They can copy your system to the best of
their ability and were reasonably priced. I dont know if you have a
similar centre nearby. I may have had one made for my Camaro but a mild
steel system was only 130 GBP.
Hope your new  car gives you some good trouble free motoring.

Simon Holtby

88 Camaro 

--- TOMASZ POPIOLEK <passat122 at hotmail.com> wrote: > I just bought a 1990
Coupe Quattro, it has 80000 miles on it. the car
> has been sitting for the past year.I don't any maintenance records for
> it.
> What kind of maintenance work should I do right away (I know about the
> timing belt).
> Where and what kind of exhaust should I buy being that the original is
> not going to last much longer judging by the sound of it on the way back
> home.
> Thanks in advance.
> Tom.

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