drag racing

Calvin Krug ckrug at laf.cioe.com
Fri Jul 20 19:44:04 EDT 2001

>And if you guys wanna talk about how slow this or that Audi is against some
>quartermile standard, I'll race with you.  My '89 200 Quattro avant against
>anything you like.  I 'll even give you a three second handicap to make up
>for your lack of suspension.  But I'll pick the road, and we'll race at
>seven thirty in the morning on February 11th after the previous night's four
>inches of snow.

You're on.  I'll just borrow my friend's  '91 Lancia Delta Integrale. 
Half the size of a 200 Avant, 350 HP, and all wheel drive, too.  So, 
it's not *quite* street legal in the US, I won't tell if you won't. 

Calvin Krug

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