AWD dont do well at the dragstrip ??????????????

Fred Munro munrof at
Sat Jul 21 00:35:01 EDT 2001

Got to agree with Huw, I don't find drag races particularly meaningful and
don't say much about the engineering in the car. We don't see them up here,
but last weekend they did have a meet at the Elliot Lake airport running 1/8
mile drags and invited a bunch of name racers (from where? who knows - I
certainly don't). Lots of new Mustangs & Camaros all tricked out and using
the burn-out pit to heat up the tires before the run. Then there was the guy
in the mid '70's Cougar. With street tires. And mufflers. And metal patches
pop-riveted over the rust holes in the fenders. And plates on the car - he
drove it there. He drove around the burn-out pit - he did have to drive home
on those tires, after all.
He beat them all and never even chirped his tires on the launch. Just put it
in "drive" and drove down the strip. He was chastised by a marshal when he
hung his left arm out the window, though. What a hoot! The crowd absolutely
loved him. Don't know what he had in it or how he did it - they had him
stuck down at the far end of the pits with the cars that wouldn't run.
No Audis in sight.

I did enjoy drag racing my S4 on Lake Bernard with the other members of the
SOS club last February - you do get AWD wheelspin when you launch on ice.
And the power slide when you throw it sideways at the end of the run is a

Fred Munro
'94 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: "Huw Powell" <audi at>
To: <Identiles at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: AWD dont do well at the dragstrip ??????????????

> > THIS ONE I LOVE - (Listen, there may be a horsepower war out there, but
> > Audi's last priority should be trying to show up Hondas at a local drag
> > strip, should it?? )
> >
> > You want to know what those Honda's were running - 15s, 16s, and 17s.
> > Audis are 40 thousand dollar cars they should be kicking ass.
> [major meaningless snipped]
> my, this *is* getting boring.  You want a drag racer, get some big old
> RWD iron with a 426 hemi V8 and have some fun.  And not on the street,
> either...
> Audi strengths, and probably why most of us own them, are not simply
> getting 1320 feet behind you as fast as possible from a standing start.
> They are a balance of sure, steady power, nimble grace, effortlessly
> informative handling.  Remember the Coupe GT with the incredible skid
> pad numbers?  Not much that would show up in a "rev it, dump it, end it"
> race.  But you know, around here where I live, some of the roads have
> corners...
> A drag race is one of the least meaningful exercises in streetable car
> competition, unless, I suppose, you live in a town that has only one
> road, right down the middle, with all the girls and women lined up to
> watch the lights change and the boys peel out...
> --
> Huw Powell

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