front end smash need advice

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at
Sat Jul 21 18:44:30 EDT 2001

leave the panels hand tight with only a few bolts,
they will need to fit everything once they set it up
and pull it. if the hood does not fit the other side,
that means both frame rails are swayed. they will
probaly prefer the old re-bar to pull the rails back
over, both at the same time. sounds like it may
require more than the 6 hours. as long as nothing is
cinked or wrinckled too badly, the integrity will be
good. i would be surprized if the car hasnt had this
kind of damage before, most older cars have btdt !!!!
                                        brian o'

--- BUStedVW <sales at> wrote:
> Brian,
> Thanks for the info. The car was hit from the front
> and side. No hood gaps
> at all. I put a new fender on and am putting on a
> new bumper and grill. The
> fender and the sub-frame bolted right on with no
> problem. The bolts for the
> sub-frame (hit side) are at a slight angle. Also
> were the wheel well skin
> meets the frame rail you can see where it is
> detached ( 1/2 inch) from
> warping just behind the rear sub-frame mount. I was
> able to straighten the
> front apron damage (very minimal) by hand. Should I
> take the car in with the
> bumper and grill off. What about the fender should
> it come off too? I am
> only a block away from the frame shop. Do you still
> think it will take 5-6
> hours? That's $350, is the integrity of the car
> compromised? I drive cars
> hard, as most VW Audi drivers should.
> Joe Mitchell
> e-mail: sales at
> phone: 303-530-1358
> fax: 303-440-0772
> Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-10pm
>        Sat-Sun 8am-9pm
> Shop online at
> All parts guaranteed for 30 days.
> Visa and Mastercard excepted.
> We are located in beautiful Boulder, Colorado 80301.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian O'Neill [mailto:briano_72 at]
> Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 2:18 PM
> To: BUStedVW; quattro list
> Subject: Re: front end smash need advice
> well, i work at a frame shop. did the new subframe
> bolt right in ?? how are the hood gaps on the other
> side of the car ??

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