Replacement Crankcase Breather tube - RT/NF/NG Engine

David Conner conner at
Sun Jul 22 20:29:55 EDT 2001

rob hod wrote... 
"In the old tube I found a little twisted bundle of wire. Anyone come
across this item? "

This is a flame arrestor, described on Scott Mockry's website at...

"There is also a flame arrestor (spiral wire brush) inside this breather
hose on the end near the black flow regulating valve, so be sure to remove
        this flame arrester and install it in the replacement hose. This
flame arrestor prevents a back fire in the intake boot from traveling into
the engine
        crankcase. Audi refers to this wire brush as the "flame deflector
plate" and the part number in the parts fiche is 035-103-477A "

Dave C.

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