re. Eurolight harness questions...

Jouko Haapanen joukoh at
Tue Jul 24 16:05:38 EDT 2001

WARNING - Swedish language content link

This is the ticket to all eurolight/relay wiring issues.  The Maxlux
comes ready-built, sealed and with harnesses for whatever light setup
you are running.  I installed one on my UrQ and it was a thing of
beauty.  One wire to the alternator, the rest is plug and play with
the original harness.  More expensive than relays and cut and paste
with the harnesses, but very nice.  Alas, I don't think they have a
distributor in North America.  In Finland and Sweden you can buy these
through your friendly VW/Audi dealer or your favourite motorsports
bits distributor.  Someone ought to pick these up for distribution
here in N.A.

no affiliation - just a happy end user.

Jouko Haapanen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at>
To: "'Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN)'" <BSWANN at>; "Beatty,
Robert" <BeattyR at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 2:16 PM
Subject: RE: re. Eurolight harness questions...

> Well currently i have a 4 relay setup but it was hastly done and the
> disintegrated some of the contacts so currently i have no high
beams, thats
> why im redoing everything.  I havent had a problem with autocheck at
all as
> far as the lights go.
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN) [mailto:BSWANN at]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 2:12 PM
> To: 'BeattyR at'
> Cc: 'quattro at'
> Subject: re. Eurolight harness questions...
> Rob,
> I used 4 to balance things out.  I don't see why you couldn't get
away with
> 2 though - 1 for Highs and one for lows.  You are still going to
have to
> disable the fault indicator.  I did this by bending over the tab on
> relay.
> On the setup I did, I used a relay panel from a 4000 parts car, and
a fuse
> assembly.  I had one hot feed off the battery terminal, feeeding a
30 Amp
> fuse to four 10 Amp fuses for the output of each of the four
> relays.  All were mounted on the panel, which i located under hood
just over
> the passenger side light.  In retrospect, this setup may have been
> overkill, and took far longer to accomplsh than it should have, as
> everything else I get into.
> I have a picture taken somewhere, but haven't located it in the mass
> shots I've taken but not digitized yet.
> Ben
> [Going to be redoing my eurolight harness and was wondering...
> Do i need to have 4 relays... 2 each side for hi/low? or would one
> relay and one low relay be able to handle the current load?
> would make things significantly easier to set up.
> Thanks
> Rob
> 87 5ktq]

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