Strange alarm behavior, 93 100CS

Andrew Lundy fast928 at
Tue Jul 24 16:53:40 EDT 2001

WHOA....100's are way different than the 90's if that is the case.  On a 90
it is one to lock/unlock ALL of the doors, ALL of the time!!  The 100's are
set-up a little differently in that respect!!

Are you sure that 100's are "supposed" to work with the double movement??
That doesn't seam likely to me since they are also set-up with a vacuum
system....but then I'm just guessing on the 100's!!

I really have no idea!?  If it was down to one door or something I could
come up with something.  This is very similar to what (the last guy) was
experiencing....minus the double lock feature (he did have a 90, though)!!
We both did a lot of guessing on his problem but never really figured
anything out!!

I was hoping you would get a different response from the passenger door.  I
don't think I can offer much help with the information presented...SORRY!
Andrew Lundy
fast928 at
90 80q
95 90q

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>
To: "Andrew Lundy" <fast928 at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Strange alarm behavior, 93 100CS

> Just tried this.  No difference.  BTW, the key generally has to be turned
> twice to lock the car.  FLASH!!!! The lock turns the opposite way on the
> properly functioning car.  Further complication?  It would appear there is
> switching problem.  The good one locks/sets the alarm with a single
> clockwise turn of the key, the bad one unlocks/sets with the same motion.
> The good car uses 2 CCW motions to unlock all the doors, the bad one uses
> the same technique to lock.  Therein lies the problem, I think.  Ideas?
> TIA, John

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