Eurolight harness questions...

Jim Haseltine Jim at
Tue Jul 24 23:44:43 EDT 2001

I'm running 6. 2 lows and 4 highs. 90/130w bulbs.
I tried an auxiliary harness but it gave me low beams when the lamps should
have been dim-dip (UK circuit) so I rewired the whole thing with an
additional feed to the fuse box, heavier cables, loads of fuses and all
those relays. Had to adjust the dim-dip resistance to match the 90w bulbs
and add a diode block to stop the circuits self energising.
Not a job that I'd want to do again too soon but 520w along a dark country
lane is something else....


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at>
To: "'audi list'" <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:17 PM
Subject: Eurolight harness questions...

> Going to be redoing my eurolight harness and was wondering...
> Do i need to have 4 relays... 2 each side for hi/low? or would one high
> relay and one low relay be able to handle the current load?
> would make things significantly easier to set up.
> Thanks
> Rob
> 87 5ktq

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