Possessed Headlites

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Tue Jul 24 21:55:09 EDT 2001

Hi Steve;

Sounds like a bad ground on the left headlight circuit. You don't mention
the year/model of your car, but the Type 44 DOT lights have notoriously poor
headlight bulb connectors. Check the ground terminal for signs of corrosion
or burnt/melted plastic. Had a similar problem on the 200q - the plastic
connector was melting around the ground terminal.


Fred Munro
'94 S4
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Sherman" <spsherm at attglobal.net>
To: "quattro" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Possessed Headlites

> I'm having an unusual (but somewhat amusing) problem with my left
> headlite.  Every so often the left headlite will just cut out,
> lows/highs doesn't matter it just goes off. Switching the switches
> (on/off or hi/lo) don't seem to effect it.  Then on it's own it will
> decide to come back on.  Once on, both hi/lo work normally for a while
> but then go out again a few secs to a few minutes later.  Bumps, turns
> and the like do not seem to effect this.
> First time this happened I thought it was the bulb and replaced it.  Now
> however this can happen anytime. And the on off cycles seem to be
> shorter  And while guessing when the lites will return can be amuzing,
> I'd really like to fix this.
> I have checked for loose connections at the bulb, but things look OK.  I
> am curious if anyone else has a BTDT on this one.  I don't really wnat
> to start replacing switches and the like at random, but am puzzled as to
> what mght be the cause of this...

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