89 200 TQ clutch failure (was no subject)

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at nwonline.net
Thu Jul 26 09:06:41 EDT 2001

In 1997 at 117k miles, the clutch on my 87 5ktq went to the floor with a 
snap, disabling the car. Vehicle was flatbedded to mechanic, who declared 
"broken clutch fork."  Fork was replaced, along with TO bearing and clutch 
itself, because we had the whole thing apart. Cost $891 USD.

Currently in 2001 at 199k miles, we report no further clutch problems.

Doyt Echelberger
Huron, Ohio USA

At 02:16 PM 7/25/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear list
>Please forgive me if this has been discussed recently - I searched the 
>archives awhile to no avail. The clutch pedal in my '89 200 TQ suddenly 
>mashed to the floor - sounded like something in there snapped - in heavy 
>traffic, of course. It looks as if you must unbolt the cast aluminum frame 
>to get at the mechanism. I wondered if anyone remembers going through this 
>- Thanks for your time,
>Tucker Smith
>Jackson Hole, WY

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