quattro digest, Vol 1 #1869 - 19 msgs

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at morganstanley.com
Thu Jul 26 10:48:18 EDT 2001

I had intermittent hot no start (which later developed to total no start) condition.  I
found it was bad TDC sensor on fly wheel.
It looks like wires connection where they go insid of the sensor is bad.  Find connectors
just on the left of igniton coil. You will see vertical row  of connectors (for TDC, RPM,
nock sensors).  TDC connector is black, top most one. Disconnect it, measure resistance
across pin 1 and 2. Should be around 1000 ohm.  I had infinity at no start condition. I
moved wires at sensor and it became 100Mohm. Moved more and got 10Mohm. It let me start
the car. I drive 2 days in this state. No problems while I am looking for replacement.
Resistance across pin 1 and 3, 2 and 3 should be infinity.

Konstantin Bogach.
200q '89
200qa '89

> Message: 2
> From: "Michael, Dave" <Dave_Michael at maxtor.com>
> To: "'macatawa at hotmail.com'" <macatawa at hotmail.com>
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: RE:No spark for hot start - '90 200tqw
> Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:23:50 -0700
> Chris,
> I had an intermittent not-run problem on my 90200qa. It was the hall sensor
> connector. I could get the car to stall by wiggling it. I removed it,
> cleaned it, made sure the wire was not kinked and have not had any trouble
> since.
> Dave
> 90 200 qa 174,000
> 98 M3/4    49,000

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