ignition switch - revised replacement procedure

Joel Lenorovitz jlenorovitz at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 11:00:25 EDT 2001

Thanks for the quick responses on the ignition switch predicament I was in.  I have
to admit, though, that I became pretty disheartened when talk of removing the
airbag, steering column, etc. was flying around.  Fortunately, I discovered an
easier approach.  It turns out that the plastic housing around the electric switch
was, in fact, cracked so thanks also to those who helped diagnose that problem in
the first place.  Anyway, here's how I'd recommend performing this operation to
anyone else:

-Remove lower dash panel/knee bolster to expose wiring
-Pull wiring harness from the ignition switch assembly
-Remove plastic collar that's around the steering column, between steering wheel and
-Remove the two screws atop the steering column that hold instrument cluster in
-Gently pull instrument cluster out at move it aside to expose ignition switch from
-Remove the two set screws holding the electric portion of the switch in place (they
may be covered with paint or loc-tite)
-Slide the electric portion out easy as pie, replace, and reverse procedure for

This was on a '95 90Q, but I imagine it would apply pretty generally to a large
number of models.  The repair shop estimate for this job was ~ 2 hours of labor. 
I'd say you could do it the way I described pretty easily in under 1/2 hour.  The
replacement switch ran a little under $30.


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