Window and Sunroof problems

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Jul 29 00:04:13 EDT 2001

Try the windows/sunroof with the driver door open.  Wiring in the doorjamb 
deteriorates and breaks from continual flexing.  Sometimes you can wiggle 
the wire bundle or just get the door to the right amount of opening to 
reestablish contact long enough to get the windows up and the sunroof 
closed.  If there's no fraying of wires in the doorjamb, the damage can 
have occurred in the door itself where the wiring bundle is tied 
down.  Least likely is the relay that controls both circuits.

At 07:26 PM 07/28/2001 -0700, lucas daye wrote:

>200 Turbo, non quattro. First problem with drivers side window going
>up...then stops. Then all windows, AND sunroof inoperable. Any suggestions,
>questions, or comments on where I should start looking for the problem. If
>there is a fuse box for this, I have no clue as to where it is located, so
>any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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