Type-44 Questions...rear suspension.

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 31 20:10:19 EDT 2001

--- mark schofield <200quattro at lineone.net> wrote:

> Rear tie rod ends are available separately in the
> UK. Both my outers were
> completely shot (160k) so I replaced them but the
> inners seemed OK. Probably
> false economy in the long term but there you go.
Maybe not.  My outers were also wasted, but the inners
were both lubed AND tight.  I would have swapped just
the outers if they were available seperately at a cost

> I have fitted a pair of Bilstein rear shocks to this
> vehicle (Type
> F4-BE5-2593-HO) It looks like these will lower it
> slightly as I reckon the
> spring platforms sit about 10-15mm lower than the
> Boge originals. This has
> obviously used up some of the damper travel, am I
> going to spoil my new
> shocks by bottoming them out? IMHO I don't think it
> will but I would
> appreciate comments from anyone who has BTDT.
Strange.  New shocks (Boge Turbogas) in the rear
raised the car back to original height.  I haven't
heard of any problems using the Bilstein shocks,

Jim Accordino

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