door lock fix

Trevor Irwin trirwin at
Sat Jun 2 19:54:08 EDT 2001

This is on my 1990 100.
I am replacing the drivers side key cylinder etc after the old carrier
broke. Everything was going fine--in fact I had the new cylinder, carrier,
etc installed and I was ready to put the door back together--until I was
testing the lock to make sure everything moved smoothly. It did at first,
but then it wouldnt turn in one direction, it appeared that the teeth on
the carrier and the teeth in the alarm arming mechanism had gotten out of
alingment. so i took it apart to get them lined up again, but now no
matter what I do I cant seem to get it to work...I can get it so that the
cylinder turns to lock the car but then it wont turn to unlock the car, or
i can get the cylinder to turn to unlock the car but not to lock it. 

The problem seems to be in getting the two indexed teeth to mesh--this
shouldnt be so hard. Am I missing something here? Does anyone have any
advice? Thanks.

T. L. Irwin
T104 Coordinator
Swain East 335 

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