recommendations on orbital buffer/polisher

Darringer, Chris Chris.Darringer at
Mon Jun 4 09:44:30 EDT 2001


A key requirement of any car polisher is that it is a RANDOM orbital sander
(i.e. there is a small off-center weight on the flywheel.  The Porter Cable
7424 meets this requirement, and I bought it at the recommendation of my
neighbor, and we are both very pleased with it.  We both detailed our Audis
a couple weeks ago using this tool without any problems (and they are still
the best looking cars in the entire apartment complex).

The Porter Cable is sold for a hefty sum at Griot's Garage (which also
assured me that this good tool for cars), but when it came time to buy, I
went to  It is currently selling there for

The 6" pad is just right.  Any larger, and you will have to do more
polishing manually.

'90 80q

> From: lee at (Lee M. Levitt)
> To: "S-Cars" <s-car-list at>, "Qlist" <quattro at>
> Subject: recommendations on orbital buffer/polisher
> Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 20:12:14 -0400
> I'm thinking about picking up an orbital polisher for use on my two
> Audis...does anyone have experience with the Porter Cables, Black & Decker
> or Sears units? Is a larger pad size good or bad? They range from 5-8" or
? more...

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